Scholarly Research & Publications

The NCPL publishes the papers presented at each major conference to disseminate more broadly significant thinking on the legal questions facing nonprofit organizations. Copies of the papers presented at these conferences are available in PDF format below or upon request in hard copy.

The NCPL has provided financial assistance to NYU law students to serve as research assistants. In an effort to promote direct scholarship, the NCPL also has supervised law review articles written by student teams on a variety of topics pertaining to Philanthropy and the Law, which have been published as monographs by the NCPL and distributed to subscribers throughout the world. In addition, many of these articles have been published in the University of San Francisco Law Review.

In order to facilitate growth in the field of nonprofit law and support law schools and professors interested in adding courses germane to the field, the NCPL publishes “Teaching the Law of Nonprofit Organizations: A Comparison of Materials” (Syllabi Project). The Syllabi Project is a compilation and analysis of syllabi from professors who teach courses in the law of nonprofit organizations, tax-exempt organizations, or tax aspects of charitable giving.  The Syllabi Project contains analytical tables indicating who teaches what topics and what resources are used, and how.

The NPCL has also prepared the “Study on Models of Self-Regulation in the Nonprofit Sector.”

Copies of the conference papers, student articles, and the report are available in PDF format by clicking on the below links or upon request in hard copy.